Nest Replace Honeywell

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Following these simple steps. The nest learning thermostat is a smart thermostat that learns your schedule and. New and used thermostats for sale in meadow brook, california on facebook marketplace. Find great deals and sell your items for free.
Snohomish county, washington usa. As a birthday gift, my wife bought me a new nest thermostat and she expects me to replace our 2015 model honeywell. The blue wire is used as y, the demand for cool. (usually a yellow wire is used for that). You do not have a c wire. You cannot easily use a nest thermostat with this cable. To find out go the the eim (equipment interface module) near your furnace/air handler. It functions as the other end of the wireless connection for your thermostat. From there see if.
thermostat - Help wiring replacement Honeywell to Nest 3rd gen - Home Improvement Stack Exchange

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Watch: Nest thermostat, long-term review, switch to Honeywell